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要約 背景:糖尿病網膜症がある眼では,網膜電図(ERG)の律動様小波の潜時が延長する。目的:単純糖尿病網膜症がある網膜機能に対するカリジノゲナーゼ内服の影響をERGで評価した報告。対象と方法:HbA1c値が10.0%未満の単純糖尿病網膜症がある32例32眼を対象とした。17例にはカリジノゲナーゼ1日量150単位を経ロ投与し,15例には投与せず対照とした。投与前と6か月後に全視野ERGを記録し,a波,b波,律動様小波と潜時を検索した。結果:投与群では6か月後にa波とO2の潜時が有意に短縮した。対照群では,ERGの全項目に有意な変化がなかった。結論:単純糖尿病網膜症がある症例へのカリジノゲナーゼの経ロ投与で,ERG成分の一部の潜時が短縮した。
Abstract. Background:Electroretinogram(ERG)in eyes with diabetic retinopathy has shown prolonged implicit time of oscillatory potentials. Purpose:To report changes in ERG after peroral administration of kallidinogenase in eyes with simple diabetic retinopathy. Objects and Method:This prospective study was made on 32 eyes of 32 diabetic patients with HbA1c level of less than 10.0%. Seventeen cases were given kallidinogenase at the daily dosis of 150 units for 6 months. The other 15 cases served as control. All the cases were evaluated by full-field ERG before and after 6 months and were analyzed for a-wave,b-wave,and oscillatory potentials(O1 to O3). Results:The treated group showed significantly shortened implicit time of a-wave and O2. There were no changes in ERG in the control group. Conclusion:Peroral kallidinogenase resulted in shortened implicit times of some ERG components.
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