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要約 目的:メタゲノム解析で診断したMycoplasma fauciumによる急性涙囊炎の症例の報告。
所見:左眼の涙囊部に,発赤・腫脹・圧痛があり,急性涙囊炎と診断した。涙点経由で涙囊の内容を吸引し,黄白色の分泌物5mlを採取した。分泌物の培養はすべて陰性であった。16S ribosomal DNAクローンライブラリー解析で,大多数がMycoplasma fauciumのクローンであり,Mycoplasma fauciumによる急性涙囊炎と診断した。
Abstract Purpose:To report a case of acute dacryocystitis due to Mycoplasma faucium diagnosed by metagenomic analysis.
Case:A 78-year-old female presented with swelling and pain in the left lacrimal sac area since 8 days before. She had had lacrimation in the left eye since 17 years before.
Findings:The left lacrimal sac area showed hyperemia, swelling and pain, leading to the diagnosis of acute dacryocystitis. Aspiration through the left lacrimal punctum showed 5 ml of yellowish secretion. Conventional cultivation of the secrete was negative. Analysis by 16S ribosomal DNA clone library showed preponderance of Mycoplasma faucium.
Conclusion:Metagenomic analysis was useful in the diagnosis of acute dacryocystitis due to Mycoplasma faucium.

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