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要約 目的:白内障手術が予定されている患者での涙道閉塞の頻度と部位の報告。症例と方法:過去2年間に白内障手術を行った735例1,089眼を対象とした。男性324例,女性411例で,年齢は20〜95歳,中央値76歳である。術前検査として涙管通水検査を行い,涙道通過障害がある症例には涙道内視鏡で閉塞部位を同定し,涙道再建手術を行った。結果:涙道通過障害は735例中46例(6.3%),1,089側中63側(5.8%)にあった。内視鏡による涙道閉塞は,1,076側中47側(4.4%)にあり,うち5側(0.46%)では無症候性の涙囊炎が新規に発見された。結論:白内障手術が予定されている患者には,無症候性の涙囊炎が存在することがある。術前に涙管通水検査をすることで,その発見が可能である。
Abstract. Purpose:To report the incidence and site of nasolacrimal duct obstruction in patients prior to cataract surgery. Cases and Method:This retrospective study was made on 1,089 sites of 735 patients who received cataract surgery in the past 2 years. The series comprised 324 males and 411 females. The age ranged from 20 to 95 years, with 76 years as the median. All the cases were examined for passage of water through the nasolacrimal duct. Surgical reconstruction of lacrimal passage was performed whenever necessary. Results:Obstruction of nasolacrimal duct was present in 46 out of 735 cases(6.3%), or in 63 out of 1,089 sites(5.8%). By nasal endoscopy, nasolacrimal duct obstruction was present in 47 out of 1,076 sites(4.4%), of which asymptomastic dacryocystitis was present in 5 sites(0.46%). Conclusion:The present series shows the presence of asymptomatic dacryocystitis in patients scheduled for cataract surgery. Water passage test by syringing facilitates the detection of such cases.

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