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Buerger病の患者にEales病によく似た網膜静脈の閉塞性血管炎と硝子体出血が認められた1例を経験した.症例は65歳男性で,1961年(昭和36年)よりBuerger病のため足指の切断を受けている.両眼とも網膜静脈が周辺部において拡張蛇行,螺旋状の走行,側副血行路形成等の異常を呈したが,動脈は年齢に相当する軽度の硬化性変化以外は正常であった.全身および眼科的所見からBuerger病の静脈病変である遊走性血栓静脈炎(Thrombophlebitis migrans)が網膜静脈に起こったと推察した.
A 65-year-old male, who suffered from Buerger' s disease during the past 26 years, noted sudden loss of vision in his right eye. We observed thromboph-lebitis in the peripheral retina in both eyes and vitreous hemorrhage in the right eye. The retinal veins showed dilatation, tortuousity and occasionalshunting in both eyes. But the retinal arteries were normal and showed mild sclerotic changes corre-sponding to his age. The whole fundus lesions simulated those of Eales' disease. Hematological studies showed polyclonal hypergammag-lobulinemia.
We diagnosed the case as thrombophlebitis mi-grans, presumably an ocular manifestation of Buer-ger's disease.
Rinsho Ganka (Jpn J Clin Ophthalmo) 42(8) : 947-951, 1988

Copyright © 1988, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.