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Binkhorst (4.3)式(前房深度を4.3mmとした術式)は,眼軸長が短い症例で,眼内レンズパワーを強く算出する傾向があり,予想より1.5〜4.0ジオプター(以下D)の近視となった.眼軸長が長くなるにしたがってその傾向は減弱し,眼軸長が25mm以上の症例では誤差はほぼ±0.5D以内となった.Binkhorst (3.0)式(前房深度を3.0mmとした式)でもほぼ同様の傾向がみられたが,誤差が全体的にマイナス寄り(術後遠視寄り)の結果となった.
We evaluated the relationship between the axial length of the eye and the error of refraction after posterior intraocular lens (IOL) implantation in a consecutive series of 186 eyes. The error wasdefined as predicted postoperative refraction minus actual postoperative refraction. In predicting the power of IOL for each eye, we compared the Bink-horst's theoretical formula and SRK regression formula.
The SRK formula proved to be superior to Bink-horst's because of lesser average error, lesser stan-dard deviation and a smaller range of error between both extremes. When using Binkhorst's formula, there was a tendency for overcalculation of lens power, or tendency for postoperative myopia, for eyes with shorter axial length. The error averaged 4.1 D in 2 eyes with 20 mm in axial length. Thecalculated error decreased in eyes with larger axial lengths and fell within the range of 0.5 D in eyes with the axial length of 25 mm or more. According to the SRK regression formula, the average error was 0 D in eyes with 20 mm in axial length, to increase along with elongation of the axial length. It averaged 1.2 D in eyes with axial length of 26 mm or more.
Our findings indicate that the axial length in amajor source of error in determining the power of IOL before surgery and the both Binkhorst's and SRK formulas are of value under certain reserva-tions.
Rinsho Ganka (Jpn J Clin Ophthalmol) 41(3) : 245-249, 1987
Copyright © 1987, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.