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最近10年間に経験した,鈍的眼外傷に続発する高眼圧症88例を対象とし,前房出血と水晶体脱臼の合併,受傷後早期のangle recessionの範囲,受傷時年齢に着目して,眼圧の予後予測の目的で統計的検討を行った.
We evaluated a consecutive series of 88 cases who developed ocular hypertension. These cases were a part of a larger series of 1478 cases with ocular contusion seen by us during the foregoing 10- year period. We analyzed these cases by the chi-square test with a view to detect risk factors that might necessitate surgicaltreatment of ocular hypertension and that might influ-ence the long-term prognosis.
As risk factors that would necessitate surgery, we detected the following items in the decreasing order of significance : lens dislocation associated by hyphema, simple lens dislocation, simple hyphema, and absence of lens dislocation or hyphema. The longterm prognosis of intraocular pressure was independent of hyphema, lens dislocation or degree of the chamber angle recession. The control of intraocular pressure over a longterm basis was significantly poor in aged subjects and was good in younger ones. Rinsho Ganka (Jpn J Clin Ophthalmol) 40(6) : 625-628, 1986

Copyright © 1986, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.