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(3)手術術式の改良に伴う手術成績の変遷をみると,three port system,持続空気灌流による網膜復位術,および積極的なsilicone oil注入を導入した1983年以降,手術成績は大幅に向上した.
We evaluated the longterm results in 224 eyes with severe diabetic intraocular complications treated bypars plana vitrectomy during 10-year-period.
Lasting improvement in visual acuity was obtained in 118 out of the 224 eyes (53%). Prior to surgery, retinal detachment was absent in 82 eyes and present in 142. Restoration of visual acuity was obtained in 57 eyes (70%) in the series without prior retinal detachment and in 61 eyes (43%) in those with retinal detachment.
The final visual acuity in the 224 eyes was 0.1 or better in 70 eyes (31%), 0.09 to 0.05 in 31 eyes (14%) and less in the other 123 eyes (55%).
There was a significant improvement in the surgical outcome over the 10-year-period, particularly from 1983 on. The improved results were due to introduction of 3-port surgical system, continuous air insufflation and intravitreal silicone oil.
Rinsho Ganka (Jpn J Clin Ophthalmol) 40(6) : 593-596, 1986

Copyright © 1986, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.