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眼球突出で初発し,その後眼球突出増悪し視力,視野障害を併発したdysthyroidoptic neuropathy (DON)の3症例を経験した.これらに対してsteroid療法を行ったが効果なく,plasmapheresis (PP)とprednisolone大量療法を併用したところ全例に視力・視野の著明な改善がみられた.眼球突出に関しては6眼中3眼に改善がみられたが3眼は回復しなかった.しかし,CT像では外眼筋の肥厚は著明に減少していた.
We treated 3 cases with dysthyroid optic neuro-pathy due to Graves' disease using systemic predni-solone and repeated plasmapheresis. In the five affect-ed eyes, central scotoma was present with the visual acuity reduced to less than 0.1 in 3 eyes. Cortico-steroid treatment proved futile in the 3 cases.
The combined treatment with systemic steroid and plasmapheresis was effective in all the cases as regards recovery of visual acuity and visual field. The bene-ficial effect became manifest promptly after a few therapeutic courses. A reduction in hypertrophy of extraocular muscles resulted in one case when seen on CT scanning.

Copyright © 1985, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.