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両眼底とも,黄斑部を中心に散在性の色素沈着および脱色素斑を認め,螢光眼底撮影で検眼鏡的色素異常に相当する部分には,蝶形のnegative fuorescenceが認められ,その周囲に色素上皮内への螢光色素の取り込みによると思われる斑状のhyperfluorescenceが見られた.既往歴,家族歴には異常はなかった.
Pattern dystrophy is a concept that includes pat-terned pigmentary dystrophies located in the pig-ment epithelium in the macula. The condition is characterized by favorable visual function and pro-gnosis.
A 13-year-old man presented with a butterfly-shaped pigment dystrophy, with central scotoma and metamorphopsia as chief complaints. His family history was inconspicuous. Fluorescein angiography showed central serous retinochoriopathy and pat-terned pigmentary dystrophy in the macula in both his eyes.
After the serous detachment had subsided, visual acuity, visual field and color sense became normal.The a-wave amplitude in scotopic ERG was consis-tently low. The EOG was also somewhat depressed, with the LP/DT ratio at 1.62 and I. 13 for either eye.

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