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Skew deviationの80例を検討した.その病巣部位は間脳を含めた脳幹,小脳および末梢前庭と広範囲にみられた.Skew deviationを注視方向による眼球の上ド偏位の変化によって分類すると共働型,交代型,単筋麻痺型の3型に人別でき,特に単筋麻痺型があることを強調した.Skew deviationの診断には上記3型を念頭に置いた注意深い複像検査を行うことが重要である.
We evaluated 80 cases with skew deviation during the foregoing 6-year period. The series included 57 males and 23 females with ages ranging from 17 to 81 years. Cerebral vascular lesion was the most fre-quent cause involving 43 cases. No etiological factor could be identified in 14 cases. All the cases satisfi-ed the diagnostic criteria of presence of vertical deviation, existence of supranuclear lesion and ab-sence of infranuclear lesions. The brainstem, cere-bellum and peripheral vestibular organ were affect-ed in the present series.
On the basis of clinical features, diplopia test and Hess chart findings, we could classify skew de-viation into three types : comitant, alternative and isolated vertical muscle paresis types. In the third type, paresis of the inferior rectus muscle was most frequently observed.

Copyright © 1985, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.