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(1) Best's macular dystrophyの症例ではERGの律動様小波は正常であったが,EOGL/Dは著しく低下し,高浸透圧応答も正常下限未満に低下し,網膜色素上皮の障害が示唆された。
(2) Best's macular dystrophyあるいはfoveo-macular vitelliform dystrophyのadult type (Gass,1977)と思われる症例ではERGのoff応答急峻部は正常であったが,EOGL/Dは著しく低下し,高浸透圧応答およびDiamox応答も正常下限ないしは正常下限未満に低下しており,網膜色素上皮の障害が示唆された。
(3)黄斑部出血の症例ではERGのoff応答急峻部およびEOG L/Dは正常であった。
(4) Choroidal ostcomaの症例ではERGおよびEOG L/D、高浸透圧応答,Diamox応答はすべて正常範囲内にあった。
Four cases showing vitelliform lesions in the posterior polar area were studied by our new tests for the cone receptor cell and retinal pigment epi-thelium. The cone activity was evaluated by the rapid off-response in the ERG which is composed mainly of the decay of the late cone receptor po-tential. The pigment epithelial activities were assessed by the susceptibility of the standing po-tential to hyperosmolarity and to Diamox (Hypero-smolarity response and Diamox response respec-tively).
A typical case of Best's macular dystrophy (BMD) was a 53-year-old male who complained of bilateral gradual loss of visual acuity.

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