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Urokinase 48×103 IU one shot静注を15日間連続施行した分枝閉塞症17例17眼(Aグループ)中14例14眼に視力および眼底所見の改善が見られて有効であったが,3例3眼では無効であった。
Urokinase 240×103IUの点滴静注を4日間連続施行した分枝閉塞症3例3眼(Bグループ)中2例2眼に有効で,1例1眼では視力が全く改善せず無効であった。
Urokinase 240×103の点滴静注を4〜5日間連続施行した基幹閉塞症10例10眼(Bグループ)中hemorrhagic retinopathyに分類される3例3眼では全例無効で,venousstasis retinopathyに属する7例7眼中5例5眼に有効,2例2眼に無効であった。
Thirty patients with occlusion of retinal veins were treated by a large amount of urokinase intra-venously and effects of the medication on visual acuity, retinal hemorrhage and retinal circulation, to blood coagulation activities and to fibrinolytic activities were studied.
Group A : seventeen cases with branch occlu-sion of retinal veins were intravenously injected 48,000 IU of urokinase dissolved in 20 ml of saline for fifteen days. Fourteen out of the seventeen cases with branch occlusion showed improvements in visual acuity and retinal circulation and showed absorption of retinal hemorrhage.

Copyright © 1983, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.