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単性緑内障と診断された61症例(男性31例,女性30例)を対象とし,自律神経機能検査の一つであるMicrovibration (以下MVと略記)ならびに心理テストを行いβ—遮断剤点眼液の影響を検討した。
Microvibration and psychological tests were used to examine the course of β-blocker treatment in 61 cases of primary open angle glaucoma. Microvibra-tion is a method of testing the autonomic nervous system.
We found no difference in ocular tension between β-blocker-treated cases and untreated cases, but we did find a connection with the psychological tests and the microvibration.
Results of the microvibration showed that the wave pattern of primary open angle glaucoma con-sisted mainly of the sympathicotonic type.
Following the use of β-blocker, this pattern changed to the parasympathicotonic type.

Copyright © 1983, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.