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Tilted disc syndromeに網膜皺襞という新しい症状をもった3例を報告した。皺襞は後部ブドウ腫の上方にあり,傾きのある縦方向の波状の微細な網膜皺襞であった。その成因に関しては不明とせざるをえないが,tilted discという視神経乳頭の発生異常と後部ブドウ腫という眼球の形態の変化が,網膜神経上皮層にある限局した範囲にひだを形成したものと推定され,今後さらにその経過を追究する予定である。
Four eyes in three adults with tilted disc syn-drome manifested retinal folds. Metamorphopsia was the chief complaint in two cases and impaired vision in the other.
In all the eyes, the optic disc was tilted in the inferior or infero-temporal direction. Posterior staphyloma was located lower-temporal to the optic disc. Numerous, longitudinally oblique, fine retinal folds were seen upper temporal to the optic disc and extended over the macula. Fluorescein angio-graphy showed hyperfluorescence, probably a win-dow effect, along the upper border of the staphy-loma. The cases were followed up for a period of 3 months to 2 years.

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