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4ヵ月より19歳までのDown's syndrome 30例を検査し,本症患者に対する眼科的管理について,次の結論を得た。
We studied 30 patients with Down's syndrome (16 males and 14 females) aged between 4 months and 19 years with particular regard to oph-thalmological management of the disease. Chro-mosomal studies showed 21-trisomy in 29 subjects and translocation in one. The patients showed a tendency to hypersensitivity against HB antibody and relatively high values of total serum choleste-rol. As systemic complications, 3 patients had con-genital heart diseases, one epilepsy and one leuke-mia. Major eye symptoms in the patients were epicanthus, slanting of palpebral fissures, cataract and infections of the lid, conjunctiva or the cornea.

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