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典型的所見を有した6歳と4歳の男子同胞にsex-linked juvenile retinoschisisを経験し,その例に施行した螢光眼底検査にて,peripleral retino-schisisの部位でcapillary bedの閉塞による多彩な血管変化をみたが,新生血管の存在は認められなかった。よって本症の合併症の一つである硝子体出血は網膜内層裂孔の形成による際の血管破綻によるものと推定された。さらには検眼鏡的にperipheral retinoschisisのない部位にもmicro-angiopathyがあり,retinoschisisの部位の血管変化が二次的なものと考えられるので,その様な部位も将来検眼鏡で判別がつくretinoschisisとなる可能性がある。
Sex-linked juvenile retinoschisis was observed in two members of three brothrs. Both cases, aged 4 and 6 years respectively, showed typical foveal reti-noschisis. Retinal gliosis and cyst were found in the right fundus of the elder brother. Fluorescein angio-graphy revealed obliteration of retinal capillary bed and leakage of dye in areas affected by gliosis. Also, dilatation of capillaries, aneurysms and retinal stain-ing were seen in retinal areas apparently spared from schisis. Neovascularizations were absent throughout. The younger brother did not show vascular lesions by fluorescein angiography studies.

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