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網膜の"Neural layer"が二分するために起こる網膜の状態はRetinoschisisと呼ばれる。この状態の発生には種々の原因が考えられるが,なかには遺伝による場合があり,遺伝形式の明らかにされた症例の報告1)2)3)もある。われわれは,Sex—linked Juvenile Retinoschisisの記載にほぼ一致する症例を観察したので報告する。
A pedigree in which five young males areaffected by retinoschisis and their grand father suspected retinoschisis from family history is reported.
Common clinical manifestations were eleva-tion of temporal periphery in the retina, large oval holes in the internal layer of the retina and macular degeneration. Other findings were translucent membrane projecting into the vitre-ous (case 1), chorioretinal atrophy with and without granular pigmentation (case 1, 2), disc distortion similar to retinopathy in premature (case 3), dendritic retinal markings (case 2) and history of vitreous haemorrhage.

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