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パターンを表示して誘発されるヒトの大脳視覚領からの電位(VECP)は,一般にplain stim—uli (無構造刺激)によるものより,その振幅が大きいことと閾値が低いことが知られている。
この2種の型のVECPが,果して異なつた視覚系のactivityを表現しているものか否かは,いまだ議論の多いところであるが(Regan1),上記の理由で,パターン刺激の方が臨床応用の見地からはより望ましい刺激方法ではないかと考えられる。(Huber, Adachi-Usami andKellermann2);Behrman, Nissim and Arden3))
A new apparatus has been developed for ob-taining VECPs to checkerboard pattern revers-al stimulation.
Luminance at a checkerboard sheet produced by polarized filters remains constant during sinusoidal pattern reversal.
The VECP changes at various stimulus par-ameter and its clinical applications as refracti-ve measurements have been studied and the results were as follows.
1) The pattern of the VECPs was sinusoidal in waveform.
2) The reproduceability of the waveform was excellent.
3) The phase-shift and the change of the amplitudes were observed as pattern lum-inance was reduced.

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