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緒 言
2年以上にわたつて原因不明の虹彩炎として治療を受けていた62歳の女性が,発熱と全身衰弱で死亡し,病理解剖の結果悪性細網症Malignantreticulosisと診断され,病理解剖時に摘出された眼球を組織学的に検索することができたので,眼球の病理所見を中心に報告し,最近ぶどう膜炎の原因として注目されつつある細網肉腫Reticulumcell sarcomaとの関係について二,三の考察を加えてみたい。
A 62-year-old woman had been observed with bilateral chronic nongranulomatous iritis and secondary glaucoma of unknown cause. About two years after the onset of ocular symptoms, she died from malignant reticulosis (malignant histiocytosis). At autopsy, diffuse infiltration of atypical reticulum cells were found in the bone marrow, spleen, liver, lung and adrenal cortex but not in the brain.
Both eyes were obtained post mortem. Histologic examination revealed infiltration of reticulum cells in the vitreous body, choroidal vessels mainly in the venules and in the subpigmentepithelial space.

Copyright © 1979, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.