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緒 言
Myotonic dystrophyは,筋ジストロフィー症の臨床亜型の一つとされていたが,1968年世界神経学連合1),1969年Walton and Gardner-Med-win2)により筋ジストロフィー症とは別に筋緊張症候群の中の一疾病単位として明確に分類されている。
Three cases or cataract due to myotonic dyst-rophy are discribed. Charactaristic lenticular change of polychromatic tiny dots in anterior and posterior cortex, star-shaped white opacities just underneath the posterior capsule were obser-ved in each of the cases.
Cataract extractions were performed unevent-fully pertially because of weakness of the orbicu-laris oculi muscle. As post-operative complicati-ons, folds in Descemet's membrane and corneal stromal swelling were remarkable and persisted for some period. Ocular hypotony appeared to have contributed to these complications.

Copyright © 1979, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.