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Tuberous sclerosisは,顔面の皮脂腺腫,癲癇発作,精神薄弱を主微候とするもので,Bour-neville (1880)がこのような症状を呈する患者の大脳皮質に,結節性硬化巣を見出し,結節性硬化症という独立した疾患として報告した。その後van der Hoeve1)が本症に眼底腫瘍を発見し,後に他の疾患をも含めphakornatosesなる概念で統一した2)。
This paper reports the occurrence of tuberous sclerosis in a 10-year-old girl and her mother. The condition in the girl was that of complete type with mental deficiency, adnoma sebaceum and epilepsy, while that in the mother was judged as abortive type.
The abortive type of tuberous sclerosis with-out epilepsy or mental deficiency is encountered in approximately one-half of the cases that have hitherto been reported in Japan. We observed retinal tumors in both eyes of our two cases.

Copyright © 1977, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.