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内斜視の薬物療法として,従来使用されていた抗コリンエステラーゼ剤の縮瞳剤としてトスミレン,PI,DFP等があるが,今回は縮瞳剤としてcarbacholを遠視を有する内斜視患者に使用し,前回われわれが使用したUbretid (以下UBR)と結果を比較しながら,本薬剤の内斜視に対する効果,使用期間,使用後の治療法,副作用等につき考察してみたいと思う。
Topical carbachol (0.5%) was used in the management of accommodative esotropia. The instillation was made every morning and clini-cal followup was made once a week. Nine representative instances out of 33 thus treated cases during the last 9 months are described in the present paper.
The effect to minimize the angle of deviation at 5 meters were excellent in 5, fair in 2 and poor in 2 instances. The effect at 1/3 meter wasexcellent in 3, fair in 3 and poor in 3 instances. The effect to minimize the angle of deviation became manifest within 9 weeks.

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