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鼻性球後視神経炎はOnodi,A.1)(1904)により"Die Sehstörungen und Erblindung nasa—len Ursprungs,bedingt durch Erkrankungender hinteren Nebenhöhlen"と題して論ぜられて以来,幾多の迂余曲折を経た疾患である。
Rhinogenic retrobulbar neuritis can be clas-sified, in the order of severity of the condition, into : (1) those simulating orbital apex syndro-me, (2) those accompanied by choked disc, (3) those with central scotoma which disappearsfollowing surgery on paranasal sinuses and (4) those with 'floating' sensation curable by similar surgery. Oculomotor and/or abducens paralysis mayalso develop as complications of paranasal diseases processes inclusive of those of dental origin.
The rhinogenic retrobulbar neuritis is amena-ble to cure through radical surgery of involved paranasal sinuses and the bony optic canal.

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