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病原性ブドウ球菌の各種抗生物質に対する感受性はいままで多数の報告があり,本邦の眼科領域では,徳田,河田,寒河江,板橋,三国,長谷川百瀬,水川,鈴木ら諸氏の報告がある。また年代を追つて比較した成績も少なくなく,国立病院耐性共同研究班では年度別に全国的な検索のもとに耐性菌の分布状態と,年次的推移を報告しており,また外国においてはNeedham (1953)らの報告もある。
104 strains of S. aureus isolated from the outer infected eyes in 1963 were examined for drug resistance and phage type. The following results were obtained.
1) The isolation frequency of the strains resis-tant was 70.2% Penicillin resistance, 64.4% ha-citracin resistance, 62.5% chloramphenicol resis-tance, 25% streptomycin resistance and 16.3% tetracycline resistance.
2) Most of the strains resistant to bacitracin were found in multiple-resistant strains.
3) Most of the strains resistant to various an-tibiotics belong to group II in phage typing pat-terns.

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