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一般に眼窩に転移性腫瘍をみることは珍しいとされているが,原発巣が膀胱にあつてその癌が眼窩転移をきたした例はSmiley (1965)1)の報告をみるのみである。われわれはこのたび55歳男子で,膀胱癌が両側の眼窩転移を起こし,ついには死亡した例を経験したので,その臨床経過および剖検所見などにつき報告する。
An unusual case of metastatic carcinoma to both orbits from the urinary bladder in a 55 year-old male was presented.
Its clinical course and autopsy findings were reported.
5 months before coming our clinic, partial cystectomy was done for carcinoma of the uri-nary bladder.
The initial complaints were dull pain of left eye and swelling of left upper lid.
Left papilledema, visual disturbance and diplo-pia occurred three months later, and then ex-ophthalmos appeared.
On 5 months after first symptoms in the left eye, the same symptoms were recognized in the right eye, and these grew progressively.

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