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サルコイドージスは原因が不明であるため,現在のところ一つのclinical entityとして定義されている段階であるが,その病理組織学的特徴は,ほぼ確立されたと考えて差しつかえなかろう。しかし,一方これを電子顕微鏡的に観察した報告は数少なく,特に眼科領域では今のところ見当たらない。
Sarcoid nodules in the iris were studied elec-tronmicroscopically and revealed as follows ; 1. The nuclei of epithelioid cells were stained lightly except for the prominent nucleoli.
The cystoplasma contained large numbers of mitochondria, vesicles of different in size, rela-tively rich free ribosomes, some lysosomes and phagosornes in some of which pigment granul-es of the iris could be seen. Golgi membranes were plentiful. Some of the mitochondria had intramitochondrial granules within their matrix.. Special junctional complex of cell membrane could not be observed.

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