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1936年Cockayne1)によつて,"Dwarfism with re—tinal atrophy and deafness"として紹介せられた本症候群に関する報告例は,現在までわれわれの報告を合わせて17例にすぎない。ことに本邦における定型的症例としては,わずかにわれわれの3例をあげ得るのみである。
In the Japanese literature, only three in-stances of Cockayne syndrome are known report-ed by the present authors (Hirooka et al. : J. Clin. Pediatrics, 19 : 593, 1966). The first case of the three as reported above, who was now a 6-year-old male child, died of acute bro-nchopneumonia and was subjected to autopsy studies. Following features comprised cardinal ocular histopathological findings :
1. The whole retinal tissue underwent a mo-derate degeneration.
2. A few atypical big ovarial cells were found in the ganglion cell layer with occasional phagocytosis of pigment at the edge of the cytoplasm.

Copyright © 1969, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.