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1959年,神鳥1)はまだ記載のなかった先天性停止性夜盲の1異型を発表し,これを斑紋眼底(以下fleck reti—na)と呼んだ。以来神鳥ならびにその共同研究者2)〜9)によつて,眼底所見,ERG,螢光眼底像,およびその他の諸検査成績の詳細が報告されて,欧米においてはfleckretina (Kandori)と呼ばれている10)〜15)。
One case of "fleck retina with congenital non-progressive nightblindness" in a female subject born in 1926 has been followed up for over 10 years. This condition could be differentiated from other nightblind cases and the so-called flecked retina syndrome through electrophysiological studies with EOG (electro-oculogram) and VEP (visually evoked potential).
The EOG findings were normal with the dark trough time of 15 min. OD and 13 min. OS. The light peak time was 9 min. OD and 11 min. OS. The d value which signifies light peak-dark trough was 140μV OS and 240μV OS.

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