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1951年,P.J. Waardenburgが,眼瞼,鼻根部,眉毛の発育異常に,虹彩,頭髪などの色素異常や先天性聾を合併する症候群を発表し,以後前記の各症状を伴つた症候群は,彼の名に因んで,Waardenburg症候群と名付けられ,現在まで数多くのWaardenburg症候群としての報告例が,国内,国外にあるが,最近著者は眼瞼下垂を伴うWaardenburg症候群と考えられる症例に遭遇したのでここに報告する。
Waardenburg syndrome in a 15-year-old male with bilateral blepharoptosis is reported. No displacement of the inner canthi of the eye was present. Both irides were pale blue which is a rather rare occurrence in Japanese. Fundoscopic examinations showed diffuse depigmentary change of the fundus like ocular albinism, while the visual acuity was normal and no nystag-mus was present. Audiometric examinations revealed advanced bilateral perceptive loss of hearing. The eyebrows were confluent. There was sporadic graying of the hair.
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