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隅角の立体観察はDonaldson (1950)によつて初めて試みられたもので,その後Heinzen etal.(1959), Beuningen et al.(1960), Matth—äus (1961),わが国では河本(1964)らの記載がある。
Sterco-goniophotograph was take empioyingKowa fundus camera and Koeppe contact lens. And the geometrical optics referring to the method was described.
1 ) The amount of stereoscopic effect was suggested to be proportional to the distance between two pencils at the surface of the con-tact lens by the following equation.
D=M S/T-△
D : (distance between the images of the two points on one stereoframe ) minus (distance between the images of the two points on the ether stereoframe)
M : total magnification
S : distance between two pencils at the sur-face of the contact lens

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