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眼底写真の問題については,すでに1862年にNoyesよつて取りあげられ,19世紀の後期より20世紀の初頭にかけ,Dimmer, Wolff, Thornerらが鮮明な眼底写真を撮影した。その後多くの眼底写真機が研究試作され,今日では非常に扱い易く精密な眼底写真機が数多く存在するようになつた。しかしそれらの撮影機のほとんどが大型でかつ高価なものが大部分であるが,手持式で軽便な小型撮影機はあまり多くはない。今回興和株式会社製のKowa RCを入手し,比較的稀な眼底疾患2例を含めた種々の眼底を撮影し良好な結果を得たので,ここに報告する。
Six diseases of the fundus oculi and one trachoma were photographed with the use of a hand-held fundus camera (model KOWA RC) which is of small size and convenientportability. The photographs of the fundus were presented to illustrate the excellent results. Chief outstanding characteristics of the KOWA RC are as follows :
1) It can be used for the patients in bed. Group examination in remote areas is also possible.
2) As to the optical system, the finder of this reflex camera affords a clear view, and it photographs the eyes with refraction ano-malies ranging from +20 to -20 diopters.

Copyright © 1964, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.