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今回は,おのおの作用機序の異なる3種類の薬剤,すなわち血管拡張剤Duvadilan (Isoxsuprine hydrochlo—ride),高滲透圧剤Mannitol,血管透過性抑制剤Adonaによる房水の循環動態に及ぼす影響について検討を行ない,Diamoxの影響と比較観察し,さらにDuvadilanの作用機序を明らかにする目的で交感神経遮断剤Inde—ral (Propranolol)およびImidalin (benzylimidazoline)を作用させて,その影響を観察し,いささかの知見を得たのでここに報告する。
Rabbit experiments were conducted on the possible influence on the chemical composition 〔Pco2, pH, and (HCO3)-〕and the dynamics of the aqueous humor induced by systemic ap-plication of vasodilator (Duvadilan), hyperos-motic agent (Mannitol) and adrenochrome (A-dona).
Intramuscular injection of adrenergic stimula-tor, Duvadilan, was followed by a rise in pH and a fall in Pco2 and (HCO-3) in the aqueous humor which could be ascribed to the vasodila-tor action and the imporved outflow of the aq-ueous by Duvadilan.

Copyright © 1969, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.