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我々も眼真菌症例が増加している事実を経験しているが,最近Aspergillus fumigatus (以下A.f.と略す)による眼内炎の1例を経験した。真菌による眼内炎の1報告例は少く,又その分離株を以て2,3の感染及び治療実験を試みたので報告する。
A report is presented over endophthalmitisby Aspergillus fulminatus in a 40 year-old female which was seen 3 weeks after onset of the disease, exacerbated after cataract ope-ration and in which irritative symptoms dis-appeared after energic treatment with Amp-hotericin B and Nystatin. Amphotericin B proved effective for experimental intraocularinfectionby Aspergillus fumigatus in rabbits. Negative findings by aqueous puncture does not always that the causative fungus agent has entirely disappeared from the eye : prema-ture withdrawal may therefore lead to accele-rated recidive of the ocular infection.

Copyright © 1966, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.