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人眼放射線白内障の病理組織学的所見を多数例について検討したものはCogan et al.1)(1952)のみで,その報告によると,人眼放射線白内障の特徴的病理組織学的所見は水晶体後嚢の小線維性肥厚及びその部への細胞迷入のようである。著者も自験3例(原爆白内障1例,レントゲン線白内障2例)を有し,更に家兎眼レントゲン線白内障(2,000r照射半年後)4羽4眼の電子顕微鏡的検索をなしたので,その成績のうち水晶体嚢,後嚢下仮性上皮細胞に重点を置いて,ここに放射線白内障の病理組織学的所見を述べる。
Four cataractous lenses which consisted of the lens of atomic bomb radiation cataract and three lenses of roentgen-ray cataract were histopathologically examined by light micro-scope. In addition, four lenses of the rabbit eyes were observed by means of electron microscopy six months after irradiation by 2.000 r of x-rays. As the result of these ex-aminations and investigating the ophthalmo-logical literatures, it is concluded that the characteristic histopathological findings of radiation cataract are the following :
1) Fibrillary thickening of the posterior capsule of the lens.
Copyright © 1963, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.