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蚕蝕性角膜潰瘍は甚だ稀な疾患であり,その原因及び療法については未だ一定した説はない。1867年Moorenによつて初めて報告され,所謂Mooren's ulcerとも云つて,その劇烈な疼痛,全角膜に波及する潰瘍,そして多くは両眼に起こり,失明に陥いる。尚,未解決な難病の一つである。その原因が不明なるため治療法も不明である。著者等はACTHを使用した処,甚だ有効で速かに治癒した3例を経験したので報告すると共に,原因は体質の異常に起因することを認めた。
Three cases of Mooren's ulcer were repor-ted, which were treated with the intermittent intramuscular injection of 80 u. s. p. ACTH four times a day bor a week.
The first case operated with the methodof Harley's keratotomy, didn't take any fa-vourable consequence. After that injection, however, it was observed that the symptoms improved remarkably.
The second case was treated with various drugs without the expected improvement of the symptoms. After the same injection that symptoms decreased gradually to disappear.
The third case also showed the marked de-crease of the symptoms using only the same injection.
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