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要約 目的:超音波検査が診断に有用であったcapsular block syndromeの早期例の報告。症例:78歳女性が左眼に白内障手術を受け,術後高眼圧と浅前房が認められ,悪性緑内障の疑いで術後1か月に紹介され受診した。所見:矯正視力は右(0.6),左(0.8)で,左眼の等価球面度数は−5.13Dであった。初診時左眼圧は11mmHgで,眼内レンズ(IOL)が囊内に固定され,前囊縁はIOLの前面と全周で癒着していた。左眼の前房深度は2.2mmであった。細隙灯顕微鏡検査でIOLの後方に液体の貯留があり,Bモード超音波検査でIOLの4mm後方に膜状組織があった。白内障術後早期のcapsular block syndromeと診断し,水晶体後囊をレーザー切開した。速やかに前房深度が改善し,60分後の屈折は−2.88D,5週後に−1.88Dになった。矯正視力は1週後に(1.0)になった。結論:白内障術後に悪性緑内障が疑われたときには,capsular block syndromeの可能性があり,Bモード超音波検査も鑑別に有用である。本症例では後囊のレーザー切開で寛解した。
Abstract. Purpose:To report a case of capsular block syndrome in its early stage that could be diagnosed by means of B-mode ultrasonography. Case:A 78-year-old woman was referred to us for suspected malignant glaucoma in the left eye. She had received cataract surgery one month before. She showed reportedly shallow anterior chamber and elevated intraocular pressure. Findings:Corrected visual acuity was 0.6 right and 0.8 left. Myopia of −5.13D was present in the left eye. Both eyes were normotensive. In the left eye, intraocular lens(IOL)was fixated in the bag with anterior capsule adherent to the IOL. The anterior chamber was 2.2 mm deep. Slit-lamp biomicroscopy showed accumulation of fluid posterior to IOL. B-mode echography showed a membrane 4 mm posterior to IOL. Posterior laser capsulotomy was performed under the diagnosis of capsular block syndrome in its early stage. The anterior chamber deepened and refraction became −2.88D 60 minutes after capsulotomy. Conclusion:Capsular block syndrome may be present in suspected malignant glaucoma after cataract surgery. B-mode echography may be useful in the diagnosis. Posterior laser capsulotomy was effective in the present case.

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