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要約 目的:陳旧性黄斑円孔に対して,半周の内境界膜を反転させる術式を行った1年後の成績の報告。症例と方法:過去7か月間に本法を行った黄斑円孔の難治例9例9眼を対象とした。術式の適応基準は,黄斑円孔径が最小450μm以上で,最大800μm以上であり,矯正視力が0.3以下とした。手術1年後の所見を検索し,視力はlogMARとして評価した。結果:全9眼で円孔が閉鎖し,矯正視力は術前の0.85±0.33が,術後の0.33±0.21に有意に改善した(p=0.003)。光干渉断層計で観察した外境界膜と,視細胞の内外節接合部の所見は,2例のみで改善した。結論:陳旧性黄斑円孔に対する半周の内境界膜を反転させる術式により,9眼全例で円孔閉鎖が得られた。網膜外層の改善は9眼中2眼のみであり,機能回復は不十分であった。
Abstract. Purpose:To report the outcome one year after surgery for macular hole by hemi-inverted internal limiting membrane technique. Cases and Method:This retrospective study was made on 9 eyes of 9 cases who received above surgery for recalcitrant macular hole in the past 7 months. These eyes met the following inclusion criteria. The minimum diameter of macular hole was more than 450μm and the maximum diameter was more than 800μm. Best-corrected visual acuity was 0.3 or less. The outcome was evaluated one year after surgery. Visual acuity was evaluated as logMAR. Results:Macular hole was closed in all the 9 eyes. Visual acuity averaged 0.85±0.33 before and 0.33±0.21 one year after surgery. The difference was significant(p=0.003). Findings of external limiting membrane and of outer/inner segment junction of visual cells improved in 2 out of 9 eyes when observed by optical coherence tomography. Conclusion:Macular hole closed in all the 9 eyes after surgery by hemi-inverted internal limiting membrane technique. Findings of external retinal layers improved in 2 out of 9 eyes only. Visual function failed to fully recover.
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