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要約 目的:角結膜の上皮内眼にマイトマイシンCの点眼が奏効した症例の報告。症例:57歳男性が3年前からの右眼の角膜混濁で受診した。アトピー性皮膚炎があり,10年前に右眼の白内障手術を受けた。所見:矯正視力は右0.5,左1.0で,右眼に角膜混濁と,結膜上皮の侵入があった。生検で角結膜上皮内癌と診断し,1日4回の0.02%マイトマイシンC点眼を開始した。角膜混濁は消退し,2か月後の生検で異形成の所見が得られた。点眼を継続し,点眼開始から5か月後の生検で悪性の所見はなく,点眼を中止した。11か月後の現在まで,再発および角膜の上皮障害はない。結論:角結膜の上皮内眼にマイトマイシンCの点眼が奏効した。
Abstract. Purpose:To report a case of keratoconjunctival carcinoma in situ that resolved after instillation of mitomycin C. Case:A 57-year-old male presented with corneal opacity since 3 years before. He had atopic dermatitis and had received cataract surgery in the right eye 10 years before. Findings:Corrected visual acuity was 0.5 right and 1.0 left. The right eye showed corneal opacity with invasion of conjunctiva. The lesion was diagnosed with keratoconjunctival carcinoma in situ by biopsy. The right eye was treated by topical instillation of 0.02% mitomycin C four times daily. The corneal opacity started to regress. Biopsy 2 months later showed epithelial dysplasia. Biopsy after 3 months of further treatment showed no sign of malignancy leading to discontinuation of instillation. There has been no recurrence or corneal epithelial lesion for 11 months until present. Conclusion:Instillation of mitomycin C was effective for keratoconjunctival carcinoma in situ.

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