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要約 目的:過去9年間の眼瞼,結膜,眼窩腫瘍の自験例の報告。対象と方法:病理学的に診断された眼瞼,結膜,眼窩腫瘍853例を,診療録の記載に基づいて検索した。結果:良性腫瘍は601例(70.5%),悪性は252例(29.5%)であった。853例の発生部位は,眼瞼314例,結膜51例,眼窩236例であった。平均年齢は,各部位とも良性よりも悪性腫瘍が有意に低かった。30歳未満の悪性腫瘍は,眼瞼にはなく,眼窩ではその9%に発症した。眼窩腫瘍では,良性では血管腫,多形腺腫,皮様囊腫が多く,悪性ではその70%が悪性リンパ腫であった。眼瞼腫瘍では,良性では母斑と霰粒腫が多く,悪性ではその94%が基底細胞癌,脂腺癌,扁平上皮癌であった。結膜腫瘍では,良性では母斑がその30%であり,悪性の半数が悪性リンパ腫であった。結論:悪性の眼窩腫瘍は30歳未満でも発症する。
Abstract. Purpose:To present a 9-year review of tumor of the orbit, eyelid and conjunctiva. Cases and Method:This study was made on a total of 853 cases of pathologically diagnosed tumor of the orbit, eyelid and conjunctiva from clinical record during 9 years through 2013. Findings:The series comprised 601 cases(70.5%)of benign tumor and 252 cases(29.5%)of malignant tumor. Tumors were present in the orbit 236 cases, eyelid 314 cases, and conjunctiva 51 cases. Malignant tumor in either location was significantly more frequent in lower ages than benign tumor. There was no case of malignant tumor of eyelid under 30 years of age, while 9% of cases of malignant tumor of the orbit were aged less than 30 years. Benign tumor of the orbit mainly comprised hemangioma, pleomorphic adenoma, and dermoid cyst. Malignant lymphoma comprised 70% of malignant tumor of the orbit. Benign palpebral tumor mainly comprised nevus and chalazion. Basal cell carcinoma, sebaceous carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma comprised 94% of malignant tumor of the eyelid. Nevus was the most frequent comprising 30% of benign conjunctival tumor. Nearly 50% of malignant conjunctival tumor was malignant lymphoma. Conclusion:Malignant tumor of the orbit may develop in persons under 30 years of age.

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