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要約 目的:白内障手術と線維柱帯切除術の同時手術での光学式ならびに超音波眼軸長測定装置の有効性を比較する。対象と方法:49例64眼に対して各装置を用いて眼軸長を測定し,SRK/T式で眼内レンズ度数を算出した。術前の予定屈折値と術後3か月目の屈折値の差を屈折誤差とし,両装置の屈折誤差とその分布を比較した。結果:両装置の屈折誤差の絶対値に差はなかった(p=0.08)。屈折誤差が0.5D未満に収まる症例の割合は光学式眼軸長測定装置のほうが多かった(p=0.02)。結論:白内障手術と線維柱帯切除術の同時手術における眼内レンズ度数決定では,光学式眼軸長測定装置を用いたほうが誤差が少ない。
Abstract. Purpose:To compare the efficacy of optical axial length measuring device and contact A-scan ultrasonography(A-mode device)in cases undergoing phacotrabeculectomy. Subjects and Methods:This study included 64 eyes of 49 cases scheduled for phacotrabeculectomy. Using IOLMaster® and A-mode device, intraocular lens power was calculated according to the SRK/T formula. The measured refractive error(absolute value)obtained from both devices were compared 3 months after surgery. Results:Refractive error absolute values were 0.66±0.55D(range:0.02~2.46D)with the IOLMaster® and 0.80±0.62D(0.01-3.11D)with the A-mode device. There was no difference between the two(p=0.08). The subjects with refractive error under 0.5D was significantly larger in data obtained with IOLMaster®(IOLMaster®:55% vs A-mode device:33%, p=0.02). Conclusion:IOLMaster® was more precise than A-mode device in calculation of target intraocular lens power in phaco-trabeculectomy.

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