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要約 目的:視線追跡装置であるアイトラッカーを用いて,先天性眼振の強度と波形を検索した報告。対象と方法:外来に通院中の先天性眼振4症例を対象とした。男児3名,女児1名で,3例が乳児眼振,1例が先天周期性交代性眼振であった。年齢はそれぞれ4,5,6,17歳であった。矯正視力は全例が0.6以上,2例が1.0以上であった。装置の中に指標を9方向に提示し,3~6秒ずつ注視させ,他覚的に眼振の強度と波形を解析した。結果:全例で眼振の強度と波形が解析できた。結論:アイトラッカーは先天性眼振の眼球運動の記録に有用であり,診断と治療の補助として使える可能性がある。
Abstract. Purpose:To report attempts to evaluate the intensity and wave form of congenital nystagmus using an eye-tracking system. Cases and Method:This study was made on 4 cases with congenital nystagmus. The series comprised 3 males and 1 female. Three were diagnosed with infantile nystagmus and one with periodic alternating nystagmus. They were aged 4, 5, 6 and 17 years respectively. Corrected visual acuity was 0.6 or over in all the cases and was 1.0 or over in 2 cases. They were instructed to fixate targets for 3 to 6 seconds that were displayed in the instrument in either of 9 directions. Intensity and wave form of nystagmus were recorded and analyzed. Results:It was possible to record the intensity and wave form of nystagmus in all the patients. Conclusion:It is possible to record and analyze the intensity and wave form of congenital nystagmus using the eye-tracking system. This system promises to be useful as adjunct to diagnosis and treatment of nystagmus in children.
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