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要約 背景:神経サルコイドーシスが眼球運動障害で初発する症例は多くない。目的:複視を初発症状とし,γグロブリン療法が奏効した神経サルコイドーシスの症例の報告。症例:73歳女性が複視と左下肢の挙上困難を主訴として受診した。矯正視力は左右眼とも1.2で,前眼部,中間透光体,眼底に異常はなかった。右眼に外転神経麻痺と動眼神経不全麻痺があった。MRIで眼窩と頭部に異常はなかった。下肢筋力の低下があり,慢性炎症性脱髄性多発性神経炎の診断でγグロブリンの静注を開始した。9日目に複視が改善し,外眼筋麻痺が消失した。胸部CTで肺結節があり,生検で非乾酪性肉芽腫性病変が証明され,サルコイドーシスの診断が確定した。結論:γグロブリンの全身投与は眼球運動障害を伴う神経サルコイドーシスに有効であった。
Abstract. Background:Neurosarcoidosis is rarely preceded by impaired oculomotor symptoms. Purpose:To report a case of neurosarcoidosis that showed diplopia as the initial manifestation and that responded to systemic gamma globulin therapy. Case:A 73-year-old female presented with diplopia and weakness in her left leg. Corrected visual acuity was 1.2 in either eye. No abnormality was present in the anterior chamber, optical media or the fundus. The right eye showed abducens palsy and oculomotor paresis. Magnetic resonance imaging showed normal findings in the orbit and brain. She was diagnosed with chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy and was treated by intravenous human immunoglobulin. Diplopia started to improve 9 days later. Computed tomography of the lung showed nodules that proved to be non-necrotizing granulomatous lymphadenitis leading to the diagnosis of sarcoidosis. Conclusion:Systemic immunoglobulin was effective for neurosarcoidosis with oculomotor disorder.

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