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要約 目的:黄斑円孔術後にOCT撮影が可能になるまでの日数を眼内レンズの種類,術後うつぶせの有無で比較した。対象と方法:対象は過去34か月間に手術した31例31眼。球面レンズ挿入群(球面群)16眼,非球面レンズ挿入群(非球面群)15眼,術後うつぶせなし群(0日群)17眼,術後うつぶせ1日群(1日群)14眼に分けた。術当日から円孔の状態が確認できるまで毎日OCT撮影を行った。結果:OCT撮影可能な日数は全体で平均1.97日,球面群で1.94日,非球面群で2.00日,0日群で1.71日,1日群で2.29日であり,各群間に有意差はなかった。結論:黄斑円孔術後のOCT撮影は術後早期から可能であった。
Abstract. Purpose:To report when imaging by optical coherence tomography(OCT)became possible after macular hole surgery. Cases and Method:This study was made on 31 eyes that received surgery for idiopathic macular hole using sulfur fluoride in the past 34 months. Spherical intraocular lens(IOL)was implanted in 16 eyes and aspherical IOL in 15 eyes. Face-down positioning for one day was used in 14 eyes and not in 17 eyes. OCT imaging was attempted every day after surgery. Results:OCT imaging became possible after an average of 1.97 days after surgery. There were no significant differences in the value among eyes with spherical or aspherical IOL, or eyes with or without face-down positioning. Conclusion:OCT imaging becomes possible soon after macular hole surgery.
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