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21歳女性が2週間前からの左眼変視症で受診した。矯正視力は右1.2,左1.0であった。左眼視神経乳頭内の下耳側寄りに乳頭小窩(ピット)があり,これから黄斑にかけて剥離があった。剥離部の光干渉断層計(Optical coherence tomography:OCT)で網膜外層の分離と浮腫があり,硝子体腔と網膜下腔の直接の交通はなかった。乳頭に接する剥離部に網膜光凝固を2回行ったが剥離は改善せず,視力は0.2に低下した。硝子体手術とガスタンポナーデも無効であり,意図的に網膜裂孔を作成して網膜下液を吸引し,眼内光凝固とガスタンポナーデを行ったのち網膜剥離は軽快した。最終手術2か月後のOCTで網膜分離と黄斑剥離がなお残存していた。
A 21-year-old female presented with metamorphopsia in her left eye of 2 weeks' duration. Her corrected visual acuity was 1.2 right and 1.0 left. A pit was present in the inferotemporal sector of her left optic disc. Retinal de-tachment extended from the pit to the macula. Optical coherence tomography (OCT) showed retinoschisis with edema in the outer retinal layer. There was no communication between the vitreous cavity and the subretinal space. The reti-noschisis further extended and the visual acuity decreased to 0.2 after two sessions of photocoagulation and another session of vitrectomy and gas tamponade. Macular detachment remarkably decreased after drainage of subretinal fluid through artificial retinal tear, endophotocoagulation and gas tamponade. Retinoschisis and macular detachment still per-sisted when seen by OCT 2 months later.

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