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要約 背景:東日本大震災は2011年3月11日に起こった。筆者は3月24~27日まで兵庫県医師会が派遣した医師団に加わり,石巻市で診療を行った。目的:石巻市仮設診療所で行った眼科診療の報告。対象:4日間に受診した眼科患者59名を対象とし,解析した。結果:男性23名,女性36名が受診した。年齢は70歳代が23名(39%)と最も多く,60歳以上が41名(69%)を占めた。受診疾患は,アレルギー性疾患25%,緑内障22%,白内障21%,眼底疾患14%,ドライアイ4%,その他14%であった。急性緑内障,網膜裂孔,網膜出血の重症者3名は石巻赤十字病院に紹介した。結論:震災の13日後には眼科医療のニーズが高まっていた。今後の大災害発生の際には,全国的な眼科組織による早急な支援チームの派遣が望まれる。
Abstract. Background:The Great Earthquake with Tsunami in Northeastern Japan took place on March 11, 2011. The present author, an ophthalmologist in practice in Western Japan, participated in a medical team dispatched to Ishinomaki City that is located near the epicenter and that has a population of about 150,000. Purpose:To present a report on 59 eye patients seen at the emergency eye center from March 24 through 27. Results:The series comprised 23 males and 36 females. There were 41 patients(69%)over 60 years of age including 23 septuagenarians(39%). Medical advice was sought for allergic eye diseases 25%, glaucoma 22%, cataract 21%, fundus diseases 14%, dry eye 4% and others 14%. Three patients, including acute glaucoma, retinal break and retinal hemorrhage, were referred to nearby Red Cross Hospital. Conclusion:Professional eye care was highly needed 2 weeks after the Great Earthquake. Immediate action in a nation-wide scale ought to be made in such a disaster in future.

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