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要約 目的:長期間続いた外傷性低眼圧症に奏効した低侵襲小切開経強膜毛様体縫合術の症例の報告。症例:17歳女子の右眼を校庭に捲く散水が直撃し,その1週間後に低眼圧になった。受傷から4か月後に紹介受診した。所見:矯正視力は右0.2,左1.2で,眼圧は右2mmHg,左10mmHgであった。右眼に散瞳,乳頭浮腫,低眼圧性黄斑症,毛様体解離が全周にあった。隅角解離はなかった。低侵襲小切開経強膜毛様体縫合術を行い,手術は45分で終了した。眼圧は12mmHg,視力は1.0に回復した。結論:長期間続いた外傷性低眼圧症に対し,低侵襲小切開経強膜毛様体縫合術が奏効した。
Abstract. Purpose:To report a case of long-standing traumatic ocular hypotony treated by suturing of ciliary body. Case:A 17-year-old girl was hit by water jet in her right eye. Ocular hypotony was detected one week later. She was seen by us 4 months after the accident. Findings:Corrected visual acuity was 0.2 right and 1.2 left. Intraocular pressure(IOP)was 2 mmHg right and 10 mmHg left. The right eye showed mydriasis,papilledema,hypotony maculopathy,and circumferential cyclodialysis. Gonioscopy showed no angle recession. She was treated by minimally invasive small-incision transscleral suturing of ciliary body that lasted 45 minutes. IOP improved to 12 mmHg with visual acuity to 1.0. Conclusion:Minimally invasive small-incision transscleral suturing of ciliary body was effective in a case of long-standing traumatic hypotony.

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