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要約 目的:囊性緑内障での眼圧の季節性変動の報告。対象と方法:3年以上通院している囊性緑内障84例115眼を対象とした。男性24人,女性60人であり,うち通院中に治療薬の変化がない78眼につき,月ごとの眼圧の平均値を測定した。結果:全期間を通じての眼圧平均値は15.0±3.3mmHgであり,最高眼圧の平均値は19.2±2.5mmHg,最低眼圧の平均値は11.4±2.5mmHgであった。この変動幅は,片眼のみに前囊偽落屑がある他眼41眼と,開放隅角緑内障60眼での変動幅よりも大きかった。囊性緑内障眼での年間を通じての眼圧値と季節による変動幅は,瞳孔縁の沈着と隅角の色素沈着と正の相関があった。結論:囊性緑内障では,眼圧の季節変動幅が大きく,眼圧は隅角の色素沈着と関連がある。
Abstract. Purpose:To report seasonal variations of intraocular pressure(IOP)in pseudoexfoliation glaucoma. Cases and Method:This study was made on 115 eyes of 84 cases of pseudoexfoliation glaucoma who were followed up for 3 years or longer. The series comprised 24 males and 60 females. IOP was checked on a monthly basis in 78 eyes that received the same medication throughout. Results:IOP during the period of observation averaged 15.0±3.3 mmHg. Maximum and minimum IOP averaged 19.2±2.5 mmHg and 11.4±2.5 mmHg respectively. Average and range of IOP variation in individual cases were positively correlated with the amount of pupillary deposit and of pigmentation in the chamber angle. The amount of variation was greater than that in 60 eyes with open-angle glaucoma or in 41 unaffected eyes of unilateral pseudoexfoliation. Conclusion:IOP in pseudoexfoliation glaucoma is characterized by wide seasonal variation and is correlated with the amount of pigmentation in the chamber angle.

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