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要約 目的:眼科的に異常がなく,副鼻腔炎などが疑われる眼痛患者に対する顔面打診の効果の報告。対象と方法:過去12年4か月間に眼深部痛または眼周囲痛を訴え,眼科的に異常がない外来患者114例を対象とした。これらの症例は耳鼻科医,神経内科医,歯科医によりさらに精査を受けた。114例すべてに顔面を打診し,左右の前頭洞と上顎洞に相当する部位の痛みを記録した。結果:114例中109例(96%)で眼痛に関する異常が同定された。副鼻腔炎95例(83%),アレルギー性鼻炎6例(5%),咽頭炎3例(3%),歯科疾患3例(3%),片頭痛2例(2%)がそれである。顔面打診痛は77例(68%)にあり,うち71例(92%)は副鼻腔炎であった。結論:眼科的に異常がない眼痛患者では,顔面打診が有用である。
Abstract. Purpose:To report the diagnostic value of percussion on the face in patients with ocular pain of idiopathic nature. Cases and Method:This review was made on 114 outpatients who were seen during the past 12 years 4 months. They complained of pain around or behind the eye and showed no ophthalmological abnormalities. They received percussion in four sites of the face corresponding to bilateral maxillary and frontal sinus. All the patients were seen by physicians in other specialities. Results:Causative lesions for ocular pain were identified in 109 out of 114 cases(96%). They included parasinusitis 95 cases(83%),allergic rhinitis 6 cases(5%),adenoiditis 3 cases(3%),dental problems 3 cases(3%)and migraine 2 cases(2%). Tenderness to percussion was present in 77 cases(68%),of which 71 cases(92%)had paranasal sinusitis. Conclusion:Checking tenderness to percussion on the face may be useful in the etiological diagnosis of ocular pain without ophthalmological lesions.

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