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要約 目的:若年者に生じた外傷性黄斑円孔に対して行った硝子体手術の成績の報告。対象:過去4年間に硝子体手術を行った外傷性黄斑円孔の7例7眼を検討した。全例が男性で,年齢は10~24歳(平均17歳)である。初診時から光干渉断層計で検査し,円孔縁に立ち上がりがあるものを手術の適応とした。術後6~12か月(平均10か月)の経過を追った。視力は小数視力で評価した。結果:術前視力は0.07~0.4(平均0.19)であり,術後の最終視力は0.4~1.2(平均0.85)で,有意に改善した(p=0.016)。5例(71%)は術後視力が1.0以上であった。手術の成績は,既報の自然閉鎖例と比較し有意に良好であった(p=0.022)。結論:若年者の外傷性黄斑円孔に対する硝子体手術の術後視力は良好であった。
Abstract. Purpose:To report the outcome of vitreous surgery for traumatic macular hole in persons under 24 years of age. Cases:This retrospective study was made on 7 eyes of 7 patients who received surgery for traumatic macular hole in the past 4 years. All were males. The age ranged from 10 to 24 years,average 17 years. All cases were examined by optical coherence tomography. Elevated edge of macular hole was interpreted as indication for surgery. Cases were followed up for 6 to 12 months,average 10 months. Visual acuity was evaluated in decimal terms. Results:Visual acuity ranged from 0.07 to 0.4,average 0.19,before surgery. It ranged from 0.4 to 1.2,average 0.85,after surgery. The difference was significant(p=0.016). Five cases(71%)had visual acuity of 1.0 or better. Visual acuity after surgery was better than that in cases without surgery in previous reports. Conclusion:Vitreous surgery for traumatic macular hole resulted in significantly improved visual acuity in young persons.

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