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要約 目的:糖尿病網膜症に対して片眼に行った硝子体手術が僚眼の健康関連quality of life(QOL)に及ぼす影響の報告。対象と方法:片眼の糖尿病網膜症に硝子体手術を行った症例と,僚眼の硝子体手術後6か月以上を経て第2眼に硝子体手術を行った87例を対象とした。男性50例,女性37例で,術前の僚眼視力は,0.8以上が42例,0.4~0.7が29例,0.3以下が16例であった。QOLの評価にはVFQ-25スコアによる質問表を用いた。結果:術前と術後の視力は,群別に分けた僚眼の視力と有意差がなかった。僚眼視力が不良であるほど術前のQOLが低く,手術後のQOLの改善が良好であった。結論:糖尿病網膜症に対する硝子体手術前後のQOLには,手術眼の視力とともに僚眼の視力が大きく影響する。
Abstract. Purpose:To report the influence of unilateral vitreous surgery for diabetic retinopathy on health-related quality of life(QOL)in the fellow eye. Cases and Method:This study was made on 87 patients who received unilateral vitreous surgery for diabetic retinopathy either as initial procedure or more than 6 months after surgery on the fellow eye. The series comprised 50 males and 37 females. Corrected visual acuity in the fellow eye was 0.8 or over in 42 cases, 0.4 to 0.7 in 29 cases, and less than 0.3 in 16 cases. QOL was evaluated by questionnaire designed by National Eye Institute(NEI VFQ-25). Results:Visual acuity after surgery was not correlated with the visual acuity in the fellow eye divided into 3 groups. In patients with poor visual acuity in the fellow eye, QOL before surgery was low and improved after surgery. Conclusion:Visual acuity in the fellow eye is a major factor before and after unilateral vitreous surgery for diabetic retinopathy.

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